Ben Go
Digital Media - 2000
Dennis Go
Digital Media - 2001
aving come to the U.S. from Manila, Philippines, Ben ('00) and Dennis ('01) Go studied
together in the Digital Media Department at Otis before joining Brand New School (BNS).
Ten years later, Ben is the Creative Director in the Santa Monica office, and his
brother Dennis is Creative Director in the New York office. ...
Both brothers have worked at various times as directors, art directors, illustrators
and animators. They have received prestigious awards from organizations such as The
International Monitor Awards, which recognizes talent in the post production and digital
media industry. Other awards include: Type Director's Club (TDC), AIGA and D&AD.
Their idiosyncratic visual style and witty conceptual approach has landed them work
for MTV, Fox Fuel, VH1, and Cartoon Network, as well as Honda, Apple, Nike, Pepsi,
and Jeep.
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