Palm Springs Life: Push the Positivity

At the busy intersection of fine art, fashion, and street art, you will find artist and designer Sofia Enriquez ('14 BFA Communications Arts), a powerhouse champion of equality, positivity, and authentic individuality in all its forms. Her line of upcycled clothing, Es Mucho, evolved from and alongside her studio and public mural painting and features exuberant hand-painted graphics.
“I’m just one person, and I like to paint — sometimes on shirts,” she says. “But whether it’s clothes, canvases, or murals, for me it’s always about trust.” As a woman, educator, and conscientious human, Enriquez keeps in mind local and global issues of feminism, race, and economic justice. Yet her approach is personal and her aesthetic is joyful.
With her clothing and murals especially, her goal is to make sure people get to see some art every day. “With all this anxiety in the world, I want people to come across something bright and enjoy life for a moment,” she says, adding that she’s always thinking about what she could paint to brighten different environments. “I drive around looking at walls and I play a game of imagination.”
Photo: Lance Gerber
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