In her 1994 book The Body in Pieces: The Fragment as a Metaphor of Modernity, the
late art historian Linda Nochlin analogized representations of the disintegrated figure
to tumultuous moments in the modern period’s political and metaphysical flux. While
she linked some examples to the era’s chaotic break from antique notions of unification
and permanence, Nochlin argued that others gestured to literal experiences of violence
by communities under assault. The logic of the rich array of works in this exhibition
bears resemblance to Nochlin’s own in how it addresses social regulation of bodies
in the globalized present.
Join us Sunday, February 25, for a roundtable discussion with artists from All Hands on Deck, Paul Mpagi Sepuya, Anna Sew Hoy, and Cammie Staros, moderated by critic and writer Andrew Berardini. Addressing some of the key issues raised in the exhibition relating to the body, identity, and forms of representation, the artists will talk directly about their practices and approaches to the work on display. Q&A with the audience to follow.
Image: Detail of Downtime Machine by Kelly Akashi