The Filipina and Portuguese-Brazilian designer debuts a new line in partnership with artisans in Portugal.

Ceramic Marais Vases by Melanie Abrantes

Ceramic Marais Vases by Melanie Abrantes

Melanie Abrantes, ’12 BFA Product Design

I’m thrilled to introduce the Ceramic Marais Vase—a creation that’s very special to my heart. As a designer, I’m always inspired by the beauty and simplicity of natural materials, and this vase is a testament to that. The Marais Vase is a unique blend of wood and ceramic, crafted with care and precision in collaboration with local artisans in Portugal and the U.S. It’s my first collection in Portugal, and I’m proud to have worked with such talented craftspeople to bring it to life. Drawing on Portugal’s rich history in ceramics, I wanted to create something that was both elegant and timeless. I hope the Marais Vase will bring as much joy to people’s homes as it has to mine.

The Marais Vase comes in a variety of colors, with each named after such trailblazers as Sojourner Truth, Jane Austen, and bell hooks. In addition to making home goods from sustainable materials like cork and wood, Abrantes is the author of Carve: A Simple Guide to Whittling and teaches woodcarving workshops out of her Oakland studio. Find more information about her products at and follow her on Instagram @melanieabrantesdesign.

Ceramic Marais Vases by Melanie Abrantes 1
Ceramic Marais Vases by Melanie Abrantes 2
Ceramic Marais Vases by Melanie Abrantes 3